Tuesday, 10 July 2012

My ♥ stopped at DKNY Pure.

I was lucky enough to receive some DKNY Pure in the post from Fairlady magazine :) When it comes to fragrances, I am totally a creature of habit and I think I've been using 212 for about 10 years now (seriously). BUT I can say that this perfume really surprised me and I am now converted. The fragrance is reportedly built around the idea of 'a drop of vanilla in water' – how romantic! I just love that. And it's not just ANY drop of vanilla, but a drop of vanilla ethically sourced from a women’s agricultural project in Uganda; as part of a collaborative project. I like that it stems from a place of giving back, makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

DKNY Pure notes that in today’s fast-paced world, “you need a moment of calm, to find beauty in living simply”. I can really relate to this and feel like the world is slowly trying to go back to all that is simple. We are trying to get away from mobile phones, and Internet and deadlines and more deadlines. Pure is the perfect solution to modern day woes, try it, you'll love it like I did I'm sure. 

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